Blue Skies Forever: Science Man: My Visage Reclamation Project

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Science Man: My Visage Reclamation Project

We received the following e-mail from Science Man:

Dear Damon,

I hope this message finds you well. I apologize that I have been incommunicado for so long. And incommunicado is the right word, for I am in Latin America!

2006 is upon us; may it bring only the best to you and your readers. Indeed, my hopes are high, for I can look back at 2005 as a year of lessons. I experienced debilitating loneliness while studying in Berlin, survived an assassination attempt, was expelled from equestrian camp, and failed in my pursuit of a certain beauty. I now realize that, despite my talents, the monastic life of the academic is not for me. Nor is the single-minded pursuit of romance. 'Tis pigeon-hearted to be cold-hearted, no doubt, but there are better ways to warm that organ than with the song of the sylph.

Thus, looking forward, I have decided to travel south, to that "other" America, to discuss with some close friends how I might re-apply myself to struggles for the collective good.

Attached you will find two photographs. As you know, in 2005, the face of my doppelganger, John Bolton, was all over the news--so much so that many now think I am him, and associate me with Condoleezza Rice (with whom he is often pictured) and the Bush Administration. To combat these popular misconceptions, as well as to celebrate my renewed commitment to justice and solidarity, I shall be sending photographs regularly. Consider it my visage reclamation project.

Your friend,
Science Man

Congratulating my good friend Evo on his victory

Hugo is like family to me


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