Blue Skies Forever: Over One Month Later, The World Still Spins

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Over One Month Later, The World Still Spins

Greetings, Friends!

Indeed, much time has passed since our last post--a blue skies forever record 43 days! To those loyal readers who have remained loyal despite our prolonged dereliction, we offer our heartfelt thanks.

Indeed, we might still be derelict had it not been for the angry complaints of one of our most devout readers, the famous Das Booty vocalist Nick.

While we would like to thank him with a tribute, we feel our skills, a little dull from disuse, are not up to the task. Words having failed ourself, or perhaps ourself having failed words, we turn to their thousandfold friend and sometime competitor, the picture.

Circa 1996: G.I. Nick battles Cobra in an unidentified hotel room. Knowing is half the battle, kids!

And for our Seattle readers (the few who remain):

Mooncalf (a.k.a. Hot Atmosphere, a.k.a. Shiri, a.k.a. Tall Buildings...)
Thursday, July 7th
The Tractor Tavern
10:30 PM


Blogger Moons in Leo said...

I am thoroughly relieved that you have returned to your blog responsibility.

1:02 PM  

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