Blue Skies Forever: Kids Say the Darndest Things...And Moms Do, Too!

Monday, February 07, 2005

Kids Say the Darndest Things...And Moms Do, Too!

We are currently at work on an exclusive story for blue skies forever NEWS. However, our work is no excuse for us to ignore you, our Cherished Readers. Hence, we provide you with the following links.

If you have the time, we recommend browsing through the blogs of Mr Thielmann's Planning 10 students at D.P. Todd Secondary School in Prince George, British Columbia. (Among them is the previously linked Rico.) MeShow's beskirted bards may have met their match in Mr. Thielmann's students, who heckle their Croatian classmate Richard with comments like "learn how to type serb" and "no serb knows how to make a chopper. you are not very smart you serb", and who fantasize about a war between Irish and Asian mobs. Perhaps Mr. Thielmann should do a unit on ethnic conflict in Europe--or just show them this chart.

Finally, we would like to introduce Moons in Leo, a witty woman and the mother of two lovely, grown children, our friends Kaitlin and Andrew. In complaining about the cold weather in New Jersey, Ms. Leo produced one of the better one-liners we've encountered recently: "This is the Garden State, not the Iceberg Lettuce State." Check her out.


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