Blue Skies Forever: The Superhighway to Self-Gratification

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Superhighway to Self-Gratification

On The Revolution is Not a Dinner Party, our friend jsanjana writes:

"as a side note, I think wikipedia is the best thing to happen to the internet in a long time....I'm old enough to remember Lynx and Gopher and when the Net was an information source rather than a porn machine...I been blogging for 3 weeks now and can safely say that blogging is closer to masturbation than journalism"

We agree that wikipedia is wonderful, but is the proliferation of free, easily accessible adult entertainment really something to bemoan? We are old enough to remember having to pay for our adult entertainment--having to pay a premium, in fact, for second-hand, second-rate magazines from our fellow, underage classmates; having to find places to hide those magazines; and having come home, at the age of 25, to find that our parents, in preparing for their move, had unearthed our stash and placed it in the pile of belongings through which we were being asked to sort...

Do we really want to subject another generation to these humiliations? Should they not be allowed to explore--furtively, in the pale glow of a computer screen in an otherwise unlit bedroom, as they listen for the faintest hint of footsteps in the hallway (and why won't Mom respect the "Please Knock" sign?)--the rewarding world of human sexuality? And who better to act as their sherpa then The Hun? (Don't click that one at work, silly!)

Surfers, bloggers, here's to ourselves.


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